
Saturday, July 5, 2008

XPS LED Control Apps

download the tar.gz ,

./configure && make && sudo make all
sudo modprobe dcdbas
/sbin/dellLEDCtl -h
/sbin/dellLEDCtl -i
/sbin/dellLEDCtl -z1 1 -z2 2 -z3 2 -l 7

Make sure you add the module via depmod or to the modules in the run command directories depending on your distro.

You can also use this program:

It uses libsmbios to access the LEDs, but you don't have to work though command line. It's a simple gui that let's you change the color and intensity in just one click.

Currently it only works on Ubuntu. But if you tell me where the dellLEDCtl file is on your distro, I can add it to the code (or you can do it yourself if you know python).

---- Fun with LEDs ----

I created an hourly cronjob that runs the flash options:

└──> cat /etc/cron.hourly/dellLEDCtl.cron
/usr/local/bin/dellLEDCtl -s

It's a nice way to keep track of how much time you are wasting because I often get sucked into things and 4 hours pass without me knowing, now, every hour I get woken up from my stupor.

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